TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing and class-based object-oriented programming to the language.TypeScript compiles to clean, simple JavaScript code which runs on any browser, in Node.js, or in any JavaScript engine that supports ECMAScript 3 (or newer).
The command-line TypeScript compiler can be installed as a Node.js package.
npm install typescript -g
tsc -v
Version 2.2.2
Data Types
var flag:boolean = true; var num:number = 100; var myString:string = "TypeScript"; var myArr:number[] = [1,2,3]; var myArr1:any[] = [1,2,3,"abc"]; var num1:any = 110; num1 = "abc"; const PI = 3.14; enum myConstants { pi = 3.14, e = 2.73, log2 = 0.3 } var radius:number = 7; var cir = 2*myConstants.pi*radius; console.log(cir);JS
var flag = true; var num = 100; var myString = "TypeScript"; var myArr = [1, 2, 3]; var myArr1 = [1, 2, 3, "abc"]; var num1 = 110; num1 = "abc"; var PI =3.14 var myConstants; (function (myConstants) { myConstants[myConstants["pi"] = 3.14] = "pi"; myConstants[myConstants["e"] = 2.73] = "e"; myConstants[myConstants["log2"] = 0.3] = "log2"; })(myConstants || (myConstants = {})); var radius = 7; var cir = 2 * myConstants.pi * radius; console.log(cir);Functions
function addNums(num1:number, num2:number):number{ return num1+num2; } console.log(addNums(30,28)); function addNums1(num1:any, num2:number):number{ if(typeof num1 == "string"){ if(isNaN(parseInt(num1,10))){ return 0; } num1 = parseInt(num1,10); } return num1+num2; } console.log(addNums1('30',28)); //function with default argument function area(r1:number,r2:number = r1){ return Math.PI*r1*r2; } console.log(area(7)); //function with optional argument function areaofsquare(side:number,isInteger?:boolean):number{ if(isInteger){ return Math.floor(side*side); } return side*side; } console.log(areaofsquare(7.25)); console.log(areaofsquare(7.25,true)); //function overloading function areaofsquad(side1:number); function areaofsquad(side1:number, side2:number); function areaofsquad(side1:number,side2:number,side3:number,side4:number); function areaofsquad(side1:number,side2?:number,side3?:number,side4?:number){ if(side2 === undefined && side3 === undefined && side4 === undefined){ side3=side2=side1; return side1*side2; } else if(side3 === undefined && side4===undefined){ side3 = side1; side4 = side2; return side1+side2; } return -1; } areaofsquad(1); areaofsquad(1,2); areaofsquad(1,2,3,4);JS
function addNums(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; } console.log(addNums(30, 28)); function addNums1(num1, num2) { if (typeof num1 == "string") { if (isNaN(parseInt(num1, 10))) { return 0; } num1 = parseInt(num1, 10); } return num1 + num2; } console.log(addNums1('30', 28)); //function with default argument function area(r1, r2) { if (r2 === void 0) { r2 = r1; } return Math.PI * r1 * r2; } console.log(area(7)); //function with optional argument function areaofsquare(side, isInteger) { if (isInteger) { return Math.floor(side * side); } return side * side; } console.log(areaofsquare(7.25)); console.log(areaofsquare(7.25, true)); function areaofsquad(side1, side2, side3, side4) { if (side2 === undefined && side3 === undefined && side4 === undefined) { side3 = side2 = side1; return side1 * side2; } else if (side3 === undefined && side4 === undefined) { side3 = side1; side4 = side2; return side1 + side2; } return -1; } areaofsquad(1); areaofsquad(1, 2); areaofsquad(1, 2, 3, 4); function operate(x) { return x.side * x.side; }Interface
interface operateInterface{ shape:string; side?:number; } function operate(x:operateInterface){ return x.side*x.side; } var calc = operate({shape:"square",side:4}); interface player{ run():void; addLives(n:number):void; score():number; } function createPlayer() : player{ return { run:function(){}, addLives:function(n:number){}, score: function(){ return -1} } } var player1 = createPlayer();JS
var calc = operate({ shape: "square", side: 4 }); function createPlayer() { return { run: function () { }, addLives: function (n) { }, score: function () { return -1; } }; } var player1 = createPlayer();Class
class website{ url:string; fbLikes:number; constructor(url:string, fbLikes:number){ this.url = url; this.fbLikes = fbLikes; } likesInK():string{ return this.fbLikes/1000+'k'; } } var google = new website("",1344); console.log(google.likesInK()); class Rectangle{ l1:number; l2:number; constructor(l1:number,l2:number){ this.l1 = l1; this.l2 = l2; } get area(){ return this.l1*this.l2; } set side1(length1:number){ this.l1 = length1; } set side2(length2:number){ this.l2 = length2; } printAllInfo(){ console.log("L1"+this.l1,"L2"+this.l2) } } var rect = new Rectangle(7,6); console.log(rect.area); rect.side1 = 10; rect.side2 = 20; rect.printAllInfo(); console.log(rect.area);JS
var website = (function () { function website(url, fbLikes) { this.url = url; this.fbLikes = fbLikes; } website.prototype.likesInK = function () { return this.fbLikes / 1000 + 'k'; }; return website; }()); var google = new website("", 1344); console.log(google.likesInK()); var Rectangle = (function () { function Rectangle(l1, l2) { this.l1 = l1; this.l2 = l2; } Object.defineProperty(Rectangle.prototype, "area", { get: function () { return this.l1 * this.l2; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Rectangle.prototype, "side1", { set: function (length1) { this.l1 = length1; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Rectangle.prototype, "side2", { set: function (length2) { this.l2 = length2; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Rectangle.prototype.printAllInfo = function () { console.log("L1" + this.l1, "L2" + this.l2); }; return Rectangle; }()); var rect = new Rectangle(7, 6); console.log(rect.area); rect.side1 = 10; rect.side2 = 20; rect.printAllInfo(); console.log(rect.area);For Each
var randArray = [5,6,7,8]; for(var val in randArray){ document.write(val + "JS
"); } for(var val in randArray){ document.write(randArray[val] + "
"); } var strArray =; for(var val of strArray){ document.write(val + "
"); }
var randArray = [5, 6, 7, 8]; for (var val in randArray) { document.write(val + "
"); } for (var val in randArray) { document.write(randArray[val] + "
"); } var strArray =; for (var _i = 0, strArray_1 = strArray; _i < strArray_1.length; _i++) { var val = strArray_1[_i]; document.write(val + "
"); }
class Animal{ public favFood: string; static numOfAnimals:number = 0; constructor(private name:string, private owner:string){ Animal.numOfAnimals++; } ownerInfo(){ document.write( + " is owned by "+this.owner+"JS
"); } static howManyAnimals():number{ return Animal.numOfAnimals; } private _weight:number; get weight():number{ return this._weight; } set weight(weight:number){ this._weight = weight; } } var spot = new Animal("spot","Dough"); spot.ownerInfo(); spot.weight = 100; document.write("Spot's weight is "+ spot.weight + "
"); document.write("Num of Animals "+Animal.howManyAnimals() + "
"); class Dog extends Animal{ constructor(name:string,owner:string){ super(name,owner); Dog.numOfAnimals++; } } var grover = new Dog("Grover","Jimmy"); document.write("No of Animals "+ Animal.howManyAnimals()+"
"); document.write("Is grover Animal? "+ (grover instanceof Animal)+"
"); document.write("Does grover have a name? "+ ('name' in grover)+"
"); interface Vechicle{ drive() : any; } class Car implements Vechicle { constructor(private wheel: number) { // code... } drive() : void{ document.write("The car drives with " + this.wheel+"
") } } class Bicycle implements Vechicle { constructor(private wheel: number) { // code... } drive() : void{ document.write("The bicycle drives with " + this.wheel+"
") } } var c = new Car(4); var b = new Bicycle(2);;; function GetType(val: T): string{ return typeof(val); } var aStr = "A String"; var aNum = 10; document.write(GetType(aStr)+"
"); document.write(GetType(aNum)+"
"); function GetWheels(veh:W):number{ return; } GetWheels(c); GetWheels(b); class GenericNumber { add: (val1: T, val2: T) => T; } var aNumber = new GenericNumber (); aNumber.add = function(x,y){ return x+y; } document.write("4 +8 = " + aNumber.add(4,8) +"
"); var aStrNum = new GenericNumber(); aStrNum.add = function(x,y){ return String(Number(x)+Number(y)); } document.write("4 +1 = " + aStrNum.add("4","1") +"
var Animal = (function () { function Animal(name, owner) { = name; this.owner = owner; Animal.numOfAnimals++; } Animal.prototype.ownerInfo = function () { document.write( + " is owned by " + this.owner + "
"); }; Animal.howManyAnimals = function () { return Animal.numOfAnimals; }; Object.defineProperty(Animal.prototype, "weight", { get: function () { return this._weight; }, set: function (weight) { this._weight = weight; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return Animal; }()); Animal.numOfAnimals = 0; var spot = new Animal("spot", "Dough"); spot.ownerInfo(); spot.weight = 100; document.write("Spot's weight is " + spot.weight + "
"); document.write("Num of Animals " + Animal.howManyAnimals() + "
"); var Dog = (function (_super) { __extends(Dog, _super); function Dog(name, owner) { var _this =, name, owner) || this; Dog.numOfAnimals++; return _this; } return Dog; }(Animal)); var grover = new Dog("Grover", "Jimmy"); document.write("No of Animals " + Animal.howManyAnimals() + "
"); document.write("Is grover Animal? " + (grover instanceof Animal) + "
"); document.write("Does grover have a name? " + ('name' in grover) + "
"); var Car = (function () { function Car(wheel) { this.wheel = wheel; // code... } = function () { document.write("The car drives with " + this.wheel + "
"); }; return Car; }()); var Bicycle = (function () { function Bicycle(wheel) { this.wheel = wheel; // code... } = function () { document.write("The bicycle drives with " + this.wheel + "
"); }; return Bicycle; }()); var c = new Car(4); var b = new Bicycle(2);;; function GetType(val) { return typeof (val); } var aStr = "A String"; var aNum = 10; document.write(GetType(aStr) + "
"); document.write(GetType(aNum) + "
"); function GetWheels(veh) { return; } GetWheels(c); GetWheels(b); var GenericNumber = (function () { function GenericNumber() { } return GenericNumber; }()); var aNumber = new GenericNumber(); aNumber.add = function (x, y) { return x + y; }; document.write("4 +8 = " + aNumber.add(4, 8) + "
"); var aStrNum = new GenericNumber(); aStrNum.add = function (x, y) { return String(Number(x) + Number(y)); }; document.write("4 +1 = " + aStrNum.add("4", "1") + "
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